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File Comment
This archive is from The Emerald Shareware Games Collection 

Text (21)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
ASP.DOC Text File 45 1KB 1991-08-27
EXAMPLE1.TXT Text File 209 9KB 1991-03-07
EXAMPLE2.TXT Text File 184 5KB 1991-03-07
EXAMPLE3.TXT Text File 123 5KB 1991-03-07
GAME_LOG.TXT Text File 19 484b 1993-07-27
GENERAL.DOC Text File 1,494 69KB 1991-08-31
GENERAL1.DAT Text File 727 20KB 1991-08-20
GENERAL2.DAT Text File 727 20KB 1991-08-19
GENERAL3.DAT Text File 727 17KB 1991-08-20
GENERAL4.DAT Text File 18 492b 1991-05-02
GENERAL5.DAT Text File 307 8KB 1991-08-20
GENERAL6.DAT Text File 625 17KB 1991-08-19
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 12 193b 1992-02-10
PLAYS.TXT Text File 89 4KB 1991-08-27
PRINTDOC.BAT DOS Batch File 16 280b 1991-11-05
READ_ME.NOW Text File 282 11KB 1991-08-27
README.BAT DOS Batch File 7 99b 1991-11-05
REGISTER.DOC Text File 168 6KB 1991-08-27
SHR_WARE.DOC Text File 591 27KB 1991-08-27
VENDOR.DOC Text File 211 9KB 1991-08-27
VIRUS.DOC Text File 362 22KB 1990-11-30

Other Files (8)
BROWSE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 958b 1986-01-02
FOOTBALL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 22KB 1991-08-14
GENERAL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 429KB 1991-09-05
PRT_UTIL.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 23KB 1991-08-22
SCR_MELT.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 128b 1990-10-18
CURSOR.COM Unknown 256b 1989-10-22
TEXAS.COM Unknown 15KB 1990-04-20
TOF.COM Unknown 256b 1990-03-08